Friday, June 8, 2012

Do you miss me?

I miss me.  A lot.  Right now I am a shell of my former energetic ambitious self.  I know, I know, drama much?
Truth be told, I'm pregnant again.  I unexpectedly got pregnant right after my miscarriage.  It IS wonderful.  And I'm sure when I'm not hovering over the toilet waiting to throw up all the time, I'll remember that.  :)  Everything is looking good with this pregnancy...and I just feel in my heart that this baby is here to stay.  Thank heavens.
We're in survival mode around here.  My kids have never watched so many movies in a week's time.  I have never watched so many episodes of Say Yes to the Dress in a week's time!  The good news is I should be feeling better in about a month.  Just have to keep on keepin' on until then.  And then not long after that the nesting bug will get me, and I'll have lots of things to share.  Can't wait.
So I'll see you then!
Farewell from me and my Peanut.