Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Digiscrap Tuesday Tip: Design Tips for Layouts

I have something super helpful for you today!  This comes from Suzy Q Scraps (you can find her shop at Scrapbookgraphics).  She put together an eye-pleasing graphic of 10 design tips for visually pleasing layouts, and then goes on to explain each point and shows examples.  Find it here.
Remember to pin from her and not from me!!!

Okay, so again, I must admit that I rarely scrap without a template (kinda lazy, plus then half the creative work is done for me...really helpful if I've having a block of sorts!), so the first few steps of this are taken care of for me (as long as I'm using a quality template, that is).  But the next few are always a concern.  It can be daunting, especially when you are first starting, to look at all those tips.  It still kinda is, and I've been doing digi 6 years and paper scrapbooking for 8 years before that!  I liked Suzy's tip at the end: pick one at a time and focus on understanding and mastering that, and move on.  Remember, the most important thing here is that you are recording your story, those moments that make up a life.  Don't worry about doing everything perfectly.  Just try to improve a little here and a little there, and over time, you will grow as a digiscrapper.

I'll be back with your next tip on Tuesday.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Latest Baby Shoes

I just can't get enough of these.  I was actually pondering opening a shop to sell them, but I frankly don't have the time right now.  Something about the whole three children ages 6 and under.....  :)

Anyway.  Here's the latest, all made from free patterns:
These darlings just might be my current favorite.  They were made from a free pattern found here, but adapted quite a bit.  Fabric from JoAnn, buttons from my stash.

Everyone needs a pair of Mary Janes!  Free pattern found here.  Adapted in that I did not make a velcro strap; I just used fold over elastic instead.  More comfy and more likely to stay on!  Fabric from JoAnn, fold over elastic from The Ribbon Retreat.

And an old favorite, the faux Robeez pattern, found here.  Thin grey leather from Brettuns Village, lining and yo-yo fabric from JoAnn.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Digiscrap Tuesday Tip: Working with Layers

Okay, folks, this is a long time coming.  I know.  I'm sorry.  I just haven't had the time to put together tutorials myself, so what I'm going to do is every Tuesday spotlight helpful tutorials I've found.  These will all be tutorials using Photoshop Elements (or Photoshop), because I frankly think it is the only way to go!  And if you are going to pin, PLEASE PIN FROM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE AND NOT FROM ME.

This is a great resource!  A free online class from Steph of the Daily Digi.  So great.  She has a supply list so you know exactly what you need and provides you with the other digital supplies for the layout.  Highly recommend starting here.

Another option is a tutorial from the great Ali Edwards.  In this video, she shows how to use a layered template in Photoshop (written step by step instructions can be found here).  She offers a free template (link found below the template photo) to use as she shows you step-by-step.

This is a terrific place to start.  You don't always have to use templates to scrap (though I almost always do!), but this video will give you an understanding of how layers work, so you can create your own layouts in the future.

I'll be back next week with another tip!

Here's the first post if you missed it.

Friday, March 14, 2014

This Week's Reads 3/14

Guess what, guys.  It's my birthday.  Yep.  It's today.  Somehow it seems to get less and less exciting every year.  Are you curious?  I'll indulge your curiosity.  31.  No turning back now, eh?  Most definitely in my 30's.  But that is an entirely different topic for another day.

So reading!  I read a lot this week.  I had sick kids who wanted Mommy with them at all times (like 2-3 foot radius...seriously), so I read in the interim moments between fetching snacks and pillows and tissues, etc.  Nothing too deep.  I did NOT have the brain power for that this week.  So lots of entertaining romances!  Here's a few:

You know those light romances that are a fun read, you're entertained, you finish, and then you never think of them again?  This was NOT one of them.  This is a love story that stays with you.  I loved this one.  It's complex and truly moving.  You should read it.  Really.  (The Kindle version is only $3.99!)

Taste Test by Kelly Fiore
Meh.  It was a Kindle Daily Deal, and it was about food.  So I bought it.  Wish I hadn't.  It's Young Adult fiction, and that definitely showed.  Lots of drama.  But hey, if that's your cuppa tea......

Hailey's Comments by Kristy Tate
This was a Kindle freebie, and despite its unfortunate cover, I really enjoyed it!  Part romance, part mystery.  Set on an island in Puget Sound, which appeals to me as I was born in Seattle.  A fun read.  And not totally forgettable, though not in the same league as Running Barefoot.

Affiliate links, y'all!

Friday, March 7, 2014

This Week's Reads 3/7

Let me just tell you, I am exhausted.  I've spent the week removing the dirt from my old garden box (a big long one, 25 x 2 feet), raking through it by hand to remove all the weeds and grass roots that grew in when I basically abandoned it two years ago (I blame pregnancy and a newborn), and digging out the sod where my new garden boxes are going (two 4 X 6 foot boxes.  Same square footage, better configuration for my yard).  I still need to built a rough sieve from chicken wire and the wood from the old box to sift the dirt through as I fill the boxes up.  Lots of work.  Moral of the story:  don't let your garden boxes get horrifyingly overgrown.
ANY-way, my point is I didn't have a lot of reading time again this week.  Only one book to report on.

This House is Haunted by John Boyne
You know those books that upon reading the last page and closing, you said "Wow," out loud?  (Or maybe I just do that.)  This was one of those.  Spoiler alert: it's about a haunting.  ;)  It started out sounding a little Jane Eyre-ish...a governess heading off, almost on a whim, to an unknown and mysterious place.  The similarity mostly ended there however.  I really enjoyed this.  Captivating.  So interesting it may cause you to ignore your children.  And the ending!  Wow.  :)  Worth reading!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Things have sure been busy around here...

I've been a little negligent in my blogging.  But that's because I've been diving headfirst into digiscrap again.  I love it so.  I'm even dabbling with designing again, so hopefully I'll have another freebie kit for you at the end of the month.  In the meantime, here are some of my most recent layouts: