Monday, March 21, 2011

Bow remake

Hey there folks....I haven't got much of interest going on, since I'm still plugging away at those cabinets (and repainting our banister so I can put the gate up and no longer have boxes barricading the stairs).  But yesterday I did whip out my glue gun, so I thought I'd show you what I did.
We were getting ready to leave for church, and I was ransacking my daughter's bow collection.  She got a set of five bows for Christmas.  I believe Faded Glory makes them, sold at Walmart.  The bows themselves are cute, but I never cared for the rosette on the top.
So I started ripping them off as my husband was calling for me to come get in the car!  Later that afternoon, I raided my quite extensive button stash, and hot glued some of those babies on.
So easy it barely qualifies as crafting, but I think they look much better.