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Monday, April 4, 2011

Parade of Homes

Anyone else out there who LOVES going to the Parade of Homes?  My mom, sister and I have gone faithfully every year that we've been living in the same state.  It is so much fun.
AND guess what is going on in blogland right now?  You got it.  A Parade of Homes.  Hosted by Poppies at Play, the tour runs through Friday.  Each day will feature four different bloggers showing us their homes.  Today was the first day, with Funky Junk Interiors, the Old White Cottage, Dear Lillie and Honey We're Home.  Go take a look, you know, if you're into that kind of thing.  ;)
News in our neck of the woods: I put the last coat of stain on the last of the cabinet doors not two hours ago.  THE LAST COAT OF STAIN ON THE LAST DOORS.  Can you HEAR the angels singing.  Tomorrow, I will be polyurethaning (yes, I know, that is not actually a verb) the front of those doors, and Wednesday I will be doing the backs.  Let them dry overnight and all day Thursday, and up they will go Thursday night.  HALLELUJAH.  My dear sweet mother-in-law teaches first grade and is off for Spring Break, so bless her heart, she is taking my kids tomorrow so I can push through and GET THIS KITCHEN FINISHED.  Between the polyurethane, I will be attaching furring strips to the top of my cabinets in preparation for the molding.  And dear husband and I will be cutting the molding tomorrow night, so I can stain it Wednesday, poly it Thursday, and  IT WILL GO UP ON SATURDAY(wow, I have used ALOT of capital letters in this post....) 
THE END.  And not a moment too soon.....

Post Edit: Day two of Parade of Homes, and the only thing I keep thinking is, "Wow, these women love white. And very pale neutrals."  Is that the key to a gorgeous magazine cover home?  White, white and more white?  Hmmm.  Well, let's just say I have all kinds of confidence in my abilities to turn this new house of ours into a magazine cover home with lots of deep, brilliant COLOR.
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