From a tired mommy who reads for entertainment, not enlightenment
This was supposed to be last Friday's post. Oh well! :)
The House at Riverton by Kate Morton
For all the hype over The Forgotten Garden, I actually didn't like it that much. I DID, however, REALLY like this book. Both the historical context and the mystery of the story fascinated me. I have only read two of Kate Morton's (though I have another sitting on my bookshelf!); I definitely want to read more.
The Awakening by Angela Hunt
Christian fiction, but pretty subtle. I don't particularly enjoy in-your-face Christian fiction. This is a story about a woman who, upon the death of her mother and a new neighbor moving in, discovers the most important things she thought she understood about her life may be wrong. Mysterious and utterly captivating. And a pretty great take home message, of course, seeing as I AM a Christian. :)
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald's masterpiece. (Anyone see the movie? I really liked obviously sought for a certain feel over absolute historical accuracy...I liked the interpretation.) And a masterpiece it is. Truly thought provoking. Loved it the first time I read it when I was young, and love it still.